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content 09
2009 - december
- 12th :: Audiotoop: little rouge
In the mindbogglingly deep faraway end none of this would have ever been, were it not for the right
honourable, for the baroness Thatcher. [340]
- 05th :: naughty noughtie (-) / chop shop (-)
Not-another noughties flashback, but a firm jump ahead to an even earlier future: that of the 1990s and
a chop shop crammed with n(a)(o)ghties [339]
2009 - november
- 17th:: Soli Deo Gloria!
"The first Dutch use of a device like the iPhone as a platform for works of art such as Raudio IIIII is a
shake without precedent." Presentation of the Raudio app in Paradiso, Amsterdam. [338]
- 15th:: Prof. dr. Cassette
"How do you do it?" asked Cecilia from Minnesota. "What's the best method? Crack open a cassette shell? Reel-to-reel?" ...
Honest questions that here get honest answers ... [337]
- 11th:: Waiting in the Wings, often
"I have a Hermes Media 3," Maja told me. "It's not too heavy, so that should be fine." [336]
- 08th :: A found tapes meta-map
Another date with Penelope, and on acoustic fingerprinting. [335]
- 03rd :: Penelope Audela: das leipziger
A broken field recording, and a Dutch woman with a hobby stranger than
Arnold Layne's. [sbpc33 | 334]
2009 - october
- 26th:: Minisec
To record the conversations that passed along the many tapped telephone
lines, the East-German Stasi stole the musicassettes that friends and
family sent over by mail from the west. [333]
- 22nd :: Founded Tapapes
How at the Leipzig mixtape café Die Kassette my Found Tapes turned Founded Tapapes. [332]
- 10th :: Project Icarus OST
Lots of reactive music theory at the Amsterdam PICNIC09, while we finalized
ookoi's second RjDj scene: a reactive version of the original soundtrack
for Project Icarus, part of Dick Tuinder's feature-film "Winterland",
which on september 29 had a sold-out premiere at the NFF in Utrecht. [331]
2009 - september
- 20th :: Found Lost Sound
In London I met John Smith and Graeme Miller, who, almost ten years ago, made a short film in 28 tableaux, showing discarded cassette tapes
caught by a variety of objects in the streets of the north-eastern part of London where they live. [330]
2009 - august
- 30th :: Summer Sagas Sale!
Peter Giele, Exiles & Prospects and an Antinoise Brigade video shot in the Parisian Louvre, that soon after its initial publication was removed by YouTube on one
of the museum's guards' demand ...
- 24th :: ookoi ShakeNRoll - s/t
All about ShakeNRoll, the first scene cooked up by the ookoi for RjDj's 'reactive music ithing application' ...
- 14th :: Les Favoris Favorites, Comelade ... and Faust
How after 36 years I discovered that my favorite krautrocker is french ...
- 08th :: (Le) CLeUB, Placard, CLeUB
A 12th grand Parisian Placard Picture book.
- 01st :: Sound Souvenirs: Music Out Of The Moon
I found myself lying all greasy and smelling of mosquito oil that mother had smeared all over our faces and limbs to repel the buzzing blood sucklettes,
breathlessly awaiting the sound bite that would come with the mission commander's stepping down the eagle's ladder and into our moon's dust ...
2009 - july
- 26st-28th :: "You, a bed, the sea"
"I arranged for the squirrels to come and eat those walnuts that they have eh ... they look like walnuts, but they are not, because they actually have
condoms inside. If you break them, if you smash them, there is a condom inside" ...
A series of 3 consecutive posts bringing you the story of a Greek Eloise who after a 1994's summer of love left her Dutch Abelard behind in Amsterdam.
Read it on the beach, preferably a Greek one ... ! [322-324]
- 21st :: Schizophonic Cabarets @ Les Voutes [i]
Found myself drifting off reminiscing on the 2003/04 series of La belle soirees, and dug up one (1) remaining shrinkwrapped copy of a historical document.
- 20th :: General Acoustics
An impromptu rendering of ookoi's Winterland Aria, quite remarkably captured by Rébus in a uTube.
- 18th :: Pure . Reactive . Music . Hack Day
At the London Music Hack Day with the help of rjdj's Florian and Frank, within less than 24 hours I had a test-version of
ookoi's ShakeNRoll up and running on the iPhone ... Pure image _ Pure sound _ Pure data ... It makes a lot of sense ...
- 08th :: Cover thyself
Human anatomy made the table, pivot of two of our favorite activities: eating and writing. Both are best and most comfortably done
while sitting, using a horizontal support for food, paper or - more recently - a keyboard to be posed upon. Homo sedens.
We are sitting. A seated species. And tables are what we sit at.
2009 - june
- 30th :: Pop is a very funny thing
The day after Jackson died I acquired a sound souvenir that i will not lightly forget: a bunch of pre-teen boys and girls dancing and
moonwalking in line to thriller in the streets and in the park, acting out and reflecting like mirrors a collective emotion that
they picked up from their parents, friends and the media.
- 27th :: Whatever we can describe at all ...
A patent recently granted to Apple warped me back 13 years, to when i sat in front of the telly, graphing soccer matches into a
notebook and ruminating on the elegant jiggling of little specks of dust in the hot summer air, whose coming into existence
(their 'being the case') we can track down to a point at some near infinitesimal distance from an alpha (that might
be also an omega) where, like in a meta pure data patch, time and space got load-banged into being.
- 18th :: A Table! au Brass (sketches)
Unseen to the public, playing his sopranino like a pied piper trying to
lure their two little girls away from the quarreling couple, Jean-Jacques
was to arrive in the catacomb below the first table, the sax sounds whirling
and drifting up the holes in the floor through which run the big pipes
of the old machine installation. [sbpc32 | 315]
- 13th :: More Best Before
Highlighting some more sound art presented at the 2009 Maastricht Kunsttour,
visit the Feedbacksociety's Feedbackstructures, and rifle through the
first edition of Stichting Intro's Auditive Atlas, to learn about
150 million years of Maastricht's History in just little over ten minutes.
- 11th :: Circuit # et Frites Sonores
"Douche Froide" organized an interesting festivallette in lower Montreuil, with parallel performances and
installations at four different places: a yellow store, a van, a wig maker's atelier and a garden.
I spent the evening in the Boutique Jaune, a former confectioner's store, together with tapes that over
the years i had picked up in the neighborhood. At the same time in the land of Giants, Ana-r
participated in yet another festival, organized by "c Dans nos cordes". [313]
- 01st :: Playing the Popular Classics [KT2009, iv]
Among the sound/art events in the Artspace Het Rondeel during this year's Kunsttour in Maastricht,
the Netherlands, there were (at least) two examples of classic feedback sound art. On friday evening
Séamus O'Donnell set up a vintage reel-to-reel tape machine feedback-loop system.
The next evening Rébus & myself stretched some 8 meters of thin metal measure ribbon across two
grand piano's, and did a variation on Alvin Lucier's Music on a long thin wire. [312]
2009 - may
- 30th :: "Also high bridges over the river" [KT2009,iii]
"There’s something about the scale of my obsession that sets it apart," Jodi was cited saying last year, and indeed there is ...
Maybe one day Jodi will pluck a bridge's strings, like with
some God or Overlord's fingers. For now she's content chasing her love as this world's one and only Bridge Punk, doing them with whatever
means she finds at hand. [311]
- 28th :: A sound is a sound that sounds [KT2009,ii]
In Maastricht sound art is *klankkunst*, and there was a lot
of it. Read about trees falling in a forest, inverted vacuum cleaners,
an old violin and a modified electro-motor; about Hans Otte's Buch
der Klänge and the Feedbacksociety; about Xavier van Wersch and Emerson,
Lake & Palmer; and a little about circuitbending. [310]
- 23rd :: It feels like summer in the city [KT2009, i]
For the 10th - jubilee - edition of the Maastricht Kunsttour, in one of the two glass rooms overlooking the large former production hall of
the Timmerfabriek I set up a foundtaping consultation space, and began there spinning a tape web.
- 18th :: Petit tour de table, grande bouffe
First in a series of entries describing my adventures with Jean-Jacques Duerinckx, in our fine and growing series of post-alter
free style junk- and sax-o-logy exercices, dedicated to Daniel Spoerri ... Most of this took place in the Kingdom of Belgium,
surely a most curious among the pearls in the chain that over the past couple of decades has been strung into a
'United States of Europe'. [308]
- 13th :: Strange things with and without electrickery
Along with an awful lot of fun, the main lesson that was to be learned at last month's Scrapyard Challenge Workshop was that pretty much
anything that moves can be used as a switch. And whenever you've got a switch at hand, it is you that's in control. [307]
- 03rd :: twitter.com/meesterwerk
There is nothing inherent in a tool or a technology that will make the results of using it necessarily and beforehand trivial and of
little interest. So there is no reason whatsoever that not - maybe sooner, maybe later - someone will produce a masterpiece with twitter. [sbpc031 | 306]
2009 - april
- 26st :: le petit paris : das kleine, ici
On saturday march 14th, 2009 the fine fleur of Paris-based phonographers gathered at Radio AligreFM
near the Place de la Nation for the first French edition of Rinus van Alebeek's renowned das kleine fieldrecordingsfestival. [305]
- 23rd :: Martin Bril (1959-2009)
"Witte knieëen, rok 'n' roll". We will not forget Martin. [sbpc030 | 304]
- 21st :: Junk me up, Scotty!
We filled up the back of a mini-van with toys, minitels, dvd players, record players, foam, printers, assorted pieces of metals, skis and
much more, all of which, later that evening, we dumped at the Palais de Tokyo ...
"Tout mari meme non medecin est capable de percer une boite de conserves de champignons ..."
- 16th :: Friday the 13th : Le Grand Cirque
On friday march 13th of this year La Comète 347 became the arena of a vision of Jean Bordé's, who invited Diktat, Nozal Cube and La Brocante
Sonore - three different, but musically related, groups - to together realize a simultaneous EAI performance. [sbpc029 | 302]
- 07th :: "Blood and Bottom" (RaudiOGaGa)
ookoi's Soundtrack for Icarus is firmly rooted in our strong belief in 'jam karet': that time is elastic ...
This is reflected in the composition's global score, which, in fact, is a 'book organ', that itself can be put to use as one of the
instruments in the
score's realization. Thus we did on saturday january 31st, during the Raudio directs ookoi@Earport event in the Amsterdam conservatory [rpc041 | 301]
- 01st :: A Block With A Name
Not far from my old mother's house, inside the brand new suburban MFA, Centre Manjefiek Malberg, I discovered the Tijdverkijker, an interesting interactive
video installation by Dutch artist Geert Mul.
In the ArtSpace Rondeel, I admired the inside of a gigantic red hot air balloon, which is like a second skin for visiting artists to get under. [300]
2009 - march
- 22nd :: The Meaning of Life [ii]
Much of modern art is very much like music: its essence, like that of life, does not reside within eternally existing material objects ...
"It no longer is. nonetheless it continues to be." [299]
- 10th :: A weekend at the Ateliers Claus
The old tape machine on the table made me feel like Krapp. I walked up the stage carrying the Grundig TW20 like it were a valise and put it down.
I plugged the tape recorder into a socket, and unlocked and lifted its cover. I blew off some of the dust that over the years it had collected.
When I then turned the large switch to set it in motion, I found myself mumbling the old man's memorable first words in that fabulous monologue by Samuel Beckett:
"Box . . . thrree . . . spool . . . five .... spool! .... spooool! ..." [sbc028 | 298]
- 04th :: The Meaning of Life [i]
The way Kurt smelt like Teen Spirit, I smelt like opium ...
In the grand palais in paris I was among the many gazers shuffling along the treasures once collected by fashion icon Yves Saint Laurent ...
Almost of all it got auctioned away by Christie's in the days that followed, for a total amount of more than 350 million euros. [297]
2009 - february
- 21st :: Insular Arithmetic (ookoi toont)
In '2525' £PcM and myself each randomly hit 1 + 2 + 3 + ... +
50 = 1275 guitar chords ... That's a lot of hard work! Fortunately we
could spend the rest of our residency - part of Archipel's Razende
Bol project - the way popsters of our advanced middle age are supposed
to: we hosted an evening-long retrospective of our own work on archipel
webtv, and the remaining of our time on the island we were at the golf
course. [sbc027 | 296]
- 19th :: Time and the weather
"Alle mensen wat een weer!", I overheard a woman exclaim in dutch, who was struggling on along the wet pavement and looking up at the sky from
under her broken umbrella. It was like that: the weather of Holy Fuck, le temps de Bon Dieu, het weer van Alle Mensen ...
So why not stay inside, and get creative with crassettes? [295]
- 10th :: Sweet dreams à la Comète 347
Michael Ghent's Sweet dreams is both rough and poetic, convincing in its choice of materials and through its many layers of overlapping meaning. It's
like a room in a fairy brothel where some Ice Queen soothes hers johns ... [294]
- 07th :: Mok mok jaha für das kleine in Berlin (Tuned City, Berlin _vi)
In which I finally take with Rinus to the Wriezener Freiraum, late afternoon of friday july 4th, 2008 ... [293]
2009 - january
- 31st :: A Glimpse of Heesbeen
on its way from Utrecht to Amsterdam ... [292]
- 30th :: A Tingle Tangel Tape Machine
A description of my 'tingel tangle tape machine', which was one of the items on show in the Found Tapes Exhibition and installation
that between january 19th and 25th was the appropriate decor for my diligently getting ahead with the preparation of new acquisitions for
my still evolving collection of cast-away sounds ... [291]
- 15th :: Kassettenkopf; then Montreuil, Brussels, Amsterdam
As a latter-day Leopold Bloom, i might try to find my way through the city of Dublin, following a path traced by Kassettenkopf ... A preview of
work to be done in Brussels, and of ookoi's recent
recording and other adventures ... [290]
- 06th :: The voise of noise
About good ideas : Rolf & Viktor in the Centraal Museum in Utrecht, about Matthew Herbert's recording apple bites and the I
of noise music ... [289]