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content 19
2019 - november
- 22nd :: Foundtapers & Foundtaping in Porto
Reporting —with a lot of pics— on the couple of days that we spent November 9-12 in Porto, Portugal. There we met with Pedro Augusto and Mariana Sardon, who are preparing a Porto foundtaping exhibition, accompanied by a limited edition analog (printed paper) book, opening and presented next Spring... like from within a mirrored time machine ... here is... [492]
2019 - september
- 14th :: Freely improvised and non-academic electroacoustic music {as}[by] urban folk[s]
[An evolving collection of notes, things, thangs, tics 'n' tacs // Paper based upon Rébus/Har$ presentation in Aalborg, Denmark, on August 23 2019 // accepted for publication in the Proceedings of the Re:Sound - Media Art Histories 2019 conference.] This is an unfinished, growing-ever-larger paper, evolving from the presentation that Rébus and myself did as part of this Summer's Re:sound MAH (media art histories) 2019 conference in Aalborg, Denmark, in which we trace tkomtiuh ('the music that interests us here') back to the fictional live electronic music jams in the mid-1960's 'Scope' in LA, via the experimental musics of the 1970-1980's, onto its speculative settlement, from the early noughties onward, as urfolk ('urban folk'). The paper includes, as a case-study, a first sketch of a comprehensive history of the seminal international headphone festival Le Placard. [490]
2019 - august
- 11th :: Vive Le Placard ! Varia...
Some smallish (surtout pictures and other) varia on the wonderful Placard Festival, 'varia' that earlier on only popped up on Twitter... [489]
2019 - may
2019 - march
- 3rd :: ookoi 2.0: the remaking of a spect[r]al b[r]and
Pending future possibilities for early adaption of fully functional digital emulation, in Paradiso, Amsterdam, the ookoi 2.0, physically re-made / re-modelled, made a fist, they stood on one leg, they jumped, they cried, they danced bizarre... "See you in history!" she said. [sbpc 77 | 487]
2019 - february
2019 - january
- 28th :: CCNL :: Cassette Culture in Linz, Austria
[i] Oral history
Read, hear and see Wolfgang 'Fadi' Dorninger recounting his personal and very active involvement in the cassette culture and DIY network of the 1980s, in which he and his 'die ind' label formed node Linz. This is the first part of a report from the wonderful Summer 2018 cassette culture exhibition in Austria. [485]