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content 15
2015 - november
- 22nd :: Situasonnisme: the City Sonic Festival
On the 13th and other editions of the yearly recurring sound art - in a very large sense - festival City Sonic, whose 'core p-art' took place in the second half of September in the Belgian city of Mons. But many also of our this year's summer activities were signed 'City Sonic' and Transcultures... [sbpc 68 | 464]
2015 - august
- 30th :: String Quartet with windows, open - live in Brussels (Picture Book)
- 30th :: String Quartet with windows, open - live in Brussels (Elastic Lecture Nr. 3)
The first full 24 hours live rendition of the 'String Quartet with windows, open' took place this summer in Brussels, in Recyclart's 'Vitrine 5', from 20h on Thursday July 9th, 2015, until 20h the next day, Friday July 10th, 2015, underneath the tracks of the Belgian railways leading to & fro the Chapel railway station. [sbpc 67 | 462]
2015 - july
- 15th :: Bridges, trouble, water
We hooked up twice with Jodi Rose in Paris, where we celebrated indoors & outdoors for the sake and the love of bridges. Tasting champagne and more on the Pont Neuf, then constructing and playing an improvised bridge, during our 19th unPublic, on June 17th at La Générale, where Rébus, Jodi and I were joined by Kaspar König. [sbpc 66 | 461]
2015 - may
- 27th :: Luister is Pracht / Listen is Splendor
[Guest contribution by Peter Mertens] Op de tweede mei van dit jaar bezocht ookoi's FPCM het online radio festival in 't Muziekgebouw aan 't IJ in Amsterdam. Hij scoorde er een t-shirt. Want luister is pracht. [[for non-Dutch speakers: Listen is Splendor is the Google translation of Peter's text]] [g.001]
2015 - april
- 17th :: Elastic Lecture Nr. 2
Text and images from the lecture that I delivered as part of the 3rd and final session of Nadège Derderian's The image is an elastic object-project, on Easter Saturday in La Générale, Paris. An image that is endlessly mapinaluble... Oh, how the boy bleeds! [460]
- 14th :: Mal-là--colisé dans l'espace et dans le temps (L'i-m-a-g-e E-s-t U-n O-b-j-e-t E-l-a-s-t-i-q-u-e, pt. 1)
An evening at the Friches on mal-localisation in space-time, with Rébus and Mamhee. A toy-Orguanisation and a lot of aaaaaaaa's lead to a quite logical conclusion: 433hz should be the new international standard for our concert pitch. [sbpc 65 | 459]
2015 - march