[ 24 | 23 | 22 | 21 | 20 | 19 | 18 | 17 | 16 | 15 | 14 |
13 | 12 | 11 | 10 | 09 | 08 | 07 | 06 | 05 | 04 | 03 |
02 ]
content 04
2004 - december
- 31th :: pure sound injury
"On the rise and fall of 'Sound Injury', a netsound project that
creatively exploited the possibility provided by 'Yahoo groups' to attach
sound files to group messages. The article accompanies a Raudio Stream
Special, bringing you a 24/7 continuous webstream built from 12+ hours
of archived sounding results of pure Sound Injury (2001-2003) ..." [133]
- 08th :: pure sound
"There is no such thing ..." [132]
2004 - november
- 27th :: fear of silence
"Not one sound fears the silence that ex-tinguishes it..." [131]
- 24th :: other, and good news!
"Michael Peter's 'My2k' available at Burning Shed, and about all
that's new on Raudio #01..." [130]
- 16th :: vicky's mosquitos: update #01
"On saturday october 23th, 2004, DaveX world-premiered a 'play with
Vicky', live on his "It's Too Damn Early" show, broadcasted from WDBX
91.1FM, a not-for-profit community radio station in Southern Illinois..." [129]
- 15th :: water, wind, zeilen
"Water, wind, sails is both the 46th Splogweek and a netCD-release,
a 'themed' compilation of 18 mp3's, including DJ Harsman's oerdvlieg..." [128]
- 09th :: machines sonores
"There was something magical about this box-on-a-table... it grinded
on and on, until the cylinder gradually slowed down, and there was this
last and ultimate !>ping<! that sounded, or a final !>ranggg<!
of one of the bells, fading me back into the silence of the empty room..." [127]
- 06th :: à la tranquilité
"The findings. That's one thing not likely ever to stop. For it doesn't
take much. Just open your eyes. And look down..." [126]
- 03th :: ...
2004 - october
- 31th :: sergeant pepper taught the band
to play
"Splogweek 45: It wasn't twenty, though, but thirty years ago, that
I found myself diving head-first into 'progressive rock music', playing
a 'mean' e(c)lect(r)ic guitar in "Quirass", my first-ever
'band' and first-ever musical project..." [124]
- 10th :: raudio launched
"On october 7th, in a sunny Amsterdam, in front
of the RAI building,
we quietly launched Raudio, Park's
brand new one audio thing mainstream..." [123]
- 03th :: shoboshobo #8
"Adventurous, energetic, at times humorous and subtle. These are
fine musicians. And really now, doesn't that, more often than not, make
all the difference?..." [122]
2004 - september
- 18th :: made in ameland
"Some of the au- and video results of the Ameland project as a continuous
24 hours Park4DTV full screen webcast..." [121]
- 06th :: vicky's mosquitos
"An open call to performing musicians all over the globe to 'come
and play with Vicky'..." [120]
2004 - august
- 25th :: sonic ghosts
"Five of my Sound Chronicles are included in the third edition of
Drift's Sonic Ghosts programme..." [119]
- 21th :: icepie
" ... for a moment one might suspect these transmissions to be en
direct from the Kettenberg in Kürten ... but they soon turned
out to be 'the stuff that spies are made of' ..." [118]
- 21th :: philippa's dream
"'Philippa dreamt of a magical orchestral instrument, an electric triangle which you draw in the air ...' ... " [117]
- 19th :: alLicht
"On wednesday evening's concert, at the 7th edition of the yearly
Stockhausen Courses in Kürten, Hubert Mayer, dressed in Thursday's
blue, threw a small handful of fresh incense into a metal bowl standing
before him. 'Lasset mich komponieren ewig Musik ...,' he sang:
'Let me eternally compose music...'... " [116]
2004 - july
- 22th :: splogman's grand tour
"Get back to 1987, meet a proud american radio maker in a French
TGV, having a keen interest in the spelling of Dutch names, and join Splogman
on a Beatles tour through Liverpool... " [115]
- 20th :: instructions in arabic
"About the latest additions to our Found
Tapes Exhibition, which include three bits of cassette tape containing
spoken text, among which we stumbled upon, well ... instructions in arabic
... " [114]
- 09th :: face the music (the great vibrator)
"One for the one that's moooving, the Great Vibrator ...
On the 'what is?' of music and the 'art of vibrations' ... " [113]
2004 - june
- 19th :: cassette memories
"When I read in the liner notes that Aki Onda is using 'cassettes
he has been recording everywhere he goes for about ten years now', I said
to myself: 'Well, well, well ...'... " [112]
- 08th :: boyzz buzz # listen!global corpus
"... 'I will listen only once'..." [111]
- 07th :: dada instants
"Yes , when the rather yet échte sketch been were , with gas
tube onttrokken upon darmeigen fermentation, not within tardy, with doorgekookte
sprout , sodden bonen kledders sauce and braadworst for instance , until
enough bulk and the necessary blaaskracht ..." [110]
2004 - may
20th - 31th :: Ameland Diary
- 20th - tafelmuziek placard
"Micro and macro, and all that's in between. From epsilon to
infinity ... like a huge blank canvas waiting to be filled ..." [109]
- 26th - "... uuut hollum komt de musiek"
"Just in case you're wondering, i mean ..." [108]
- 28th - "... met vele artiesten ..."
"For I really do consider the fanfare to be one of the great 'sonic treasures' of the village ..." [107]
- 31th - old bears new tricks
"There's drops, and there's clips, and there's glitches, but probably the interesting first thing one should mention about streaming live on the
internet is the amazing lag, that, in our case, turned out to be as large as 6-10 seconds ..." [106]
- 08th :: fug like a bug
"Breedster's major adult attraction however is this: fornication..." [105]
- 08th :: phound stufphs
"A 'Found Sounds & Footage' event, in Project 101 in Paris. And
all about finding baby soothers..." [104]
2004 - april
- 28th :: project > soundwave
"Alan So's San Francisco based Me'd1.ate network have released the
compilation cd 'Project > Soundwave', an eclectic collection of works from musicians,
composers, sound, visual and installation artists, accompanied by a series of
performance/listening events. The CD includes the HarS' piece 'Les années pop'.
A very careful and well designed production. Recommended!..." [103]
- 12th :: more!!y2k
"An extremely long post on the My2k project. A 'final report', that
just kept growing and growing, until it stopped, and I decided to have
a go at a year-long sound diary myself, 'for every remaining year of my
life whose number is prime' ..." [102]
- 03th :: preconceived notions
"One hour and a half of free, fun plunderphonics - from Chicago, Illinois..." [101]
- 03th :: googlism
"Soundblog is due to search engines ? ..." [100]
2004 - march
- 22th :: olfasonority
"I wouldn't smell a dead rat if I tread in one. It made me like the
deaf man watching Don Giovanni at the opera, like the blind man at the
movies listen to A clockwork orange, the evening I went to smell, ...
eh... hear! ..., an 'olfasonoric improvisation'..." [99]
- 22th :: virtual theremin
"About a fun little shockwave application, that used to be available as a free download
from the BBC's web site, but it no longer is..." [98]
- 14th :: dead letters spell out dead words
"Mostly melody is in the cracklings. Or rather: melody is suggested
by the cracklings, as much as it is suggested by the few samples of actual
'note playing'. Together they give rise to layers that are as clear as
they are hard to grasp. (But then isn't it in its cracklings that a lot
of the true meaning of this world resides?)..." [97]
- 14th :: back up
"The beauty and deep philosophy is in its use of the file-system..." [96]
2004 - february
- 26th :: bulimia, luilekkerland!
"Funny it was, to come across that name 'Desiderio' again... two weeks earlier
it had been also the name of a painter, third one ..., when I accidentally
hit upon an article
in the web-edition of the New York Times, opening big with a picture of
a table and art books unorderly spread across the floor around it, sea like..." [95]
- 23th :: maarten ploeg (1958-2004)
"Thursday february 19th, 2004, Dutch 'pure sound and image' artist
Maarten van der Ploeg died, at his home in Amsterdam..." [94]
- 21th :: supersonic
"Difficult as it was to take a good look at anything other than one's
fellow guests, the show did convey the impression of a collection
of things that miss a guiding line. Have 39 artists paint the parts of
one and the same airplane obviously is not enough to create that oneness..." [93]
- 14th :: twos [niblock || palestine]
"Two performances, two Americans. Both 'early minimalists'. Both
'unjustly neglected', the write ups said. (But, surely, justice here is
not our concern.) The article includes a literal transcription of the
main parts of my dictaphone recording of Charlemagne Palestine's (French)
introduction to his performance on january 30th, 2004 at the Instants
Chavirés in Montreuil..." [92]
- 06th :: accidental musics (s.i.w. 3)
"Sirens started wailling. Not because of sudden war, or some other
natural disaster. It was because they always do in Paris, as in many (most?)
other European cities, the first wednesday of each month. At noon..." [91]
2004 - january
- 21th :: mosquitos
"A chapter from Mars & other Stars appeared as part of the second issue of the Canadian
online literary journal Woodenfish..." [90]
- 17th :: my2k
"It was one of those things that are easier said than done ...
Michael Peters, three years later, has completed his year 2k sound diary, in the originally intended form..." [89]
- 12th :: 52 splogweeks
"Music teacher and 'obsessive collector of amazing sounds' Jan Turkenburg (aka Splogman), from Zwolle,
the Netherlands, started a one-year project inspired by and in the spirit of Otis Fodder's 365Days..." [88]
- 06th :: manou
"And through all this hiss and distortion, twice or thrice, there resounds a human voice.
Whispering. As if spoken by a sick, old and physically very weak person..." [87]