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content 13
2013 - december
- 31st :: Candles, Cassettes & Champagne
This winter solstice (in the early evening of December 21st), four cassetteurs gathered on the desolate and cold second floor of an old industrial building on the East side of Paris, for a final & unPublic 2013 = c50 cassette ritual. [sbpc 60 | 447]
- 29th :: De Val van Chroom / The Fall of Chrome
The Fall of Chrome is a booklet with a collection of images and texts about magnetic tape, edited by Claudio Rocchetti, when, after many years of experimenting with tapes, he started to feel lost; like he had exhausted the subject and all the ideas... "But does it really matter why we use certain tools?" Claudio asked himself. [sbpc 59 | 446]
2013 - november
- 23rd :: unPublic 1, 2 (sauf riverains)
About t, c and the difference made by intention. About the idea of 'the concert' being based on a myth; an anachronism; a socio-musical convention that is being continued without questioning its (true) sense. And introducing the first two editions of unPublic, each one an ephemeral laboratory, a vertex in space-time for musicians from wherever on the globe to meet in passing. [sbpc 58 | 445]
2013 - october
- 25th :: The Art of the K7 (prelude) [sketch/book, 1]
About the some things that are certain - All the way to Neptune and back - Re/vival - The cassetteer and the DJ - A poor man's thang - Did i say there is no Hell? - Audio slates - Frank Zappa's '200 motels' and a Christmas dinner at Granny's - Not a one but a many - "Unto emptiness shalt thou return". [444]
- 12th :: "At 19:07 the four helicopters flew over the Pont Neuf"
On the occasion of the Nuit Blanche and fifty years of French-German friendship, on October 5th, 2013, Karlheinz Stockhausen's Helikopter-Streichquartett was performed by the Elysian String Quartet flying across Paris, over the Pont Neuf. [443]
2013 - july
- 20th :: Atomic Spies vs. Dancing Men
In order to acquire a certain volume of a certain... material... a couple of weeks ago, I found myself in the back of a four-wheel drive, being bumped around a swampy forest in Burgundy, not far from where some 2000 years ago the Roman warlord Julius Ceasar won the battle of Alesia. [sbpc 57 | 442]
- 12th :: Break the ice. Play the ice. Melt the ice. (Festival des Ephémères #4 [2/2])
hin, hin, hin, hin, his, ticque, torche, lorgne, brededin, brededac, frr, frrr, frrr, bou, bou, bou, bou, bou, bou, bou, bou, tracc, trac, trr, trr, trr, trrr, trrrrrr, on, on, on, on, on, ououououon... E t c ... live at the 4th edition of the Festival des Ephémères. Time past is not just reconstituted; it bursts out. [sbpc 56 | 441]
- 10th :: Fish learn from the water that we drown in (Festival des Ephémères #4 [1/2])
Water! ... was the theme of the fourth edition of the Festival des Ephémères, on June 29th and 30th in the Jardins d'Eole, in the 19th Parisian arrondissement. Two sunny afternoons filled with fringe art of a particularly fluid dynamics. [440]
- 05th :: Yiyi's Books
In a Maastricht thrift store, Argentinian artist Yiyi de la Mota worked for two months on the making of a very pretty and very joyful image, wonderfully sculpted in books. She called it Hola. on the evening of the day that it was finally finished, a week before its presentation, Hola collapsed... [439]
- 03rd :: How to keep devils away
The observation by a casual listener that the ookoi's 1024 seriously suffers from a lack of... violins, inspired a double random walk on a grid of 1024 violin sounds. We call it Kris Kras. but all of our friends call it Alaska. It is keeping the devils away. [438]
2013 - june
- 09th :: A Carcassonne Yodel in Blue
[Kunsttour 2013]
It was not a joke. It was also not merely some random act. I could not have painted the Carcassonne table in some other color. Not that painting it in blue had some sort of a meaning. Though you of course are free to give it any f**king meaning you like, for me painting the table in blue meant 'painting the table in blue'... [437]
2013 - may
- 06th :: (There will always be a) Next Numbr!
The 2013 edition of Y, a yearly event carrying the name of the artist Yariv Alter Fin (1968-2007), focused on numbers, art, music & measure - with a series of morning lectures & presentations, and an instructive and entertaining workshop followed by a public presentation at the NASA, the New Art Space Amsterdam. [sbpc 55 | 436]
2013 - march
2013 - february
- 22nd :: Higgs singlet decay particles pop into my universe at random times
Every now and then I set loose the sounds I find on there. but most of them we'll never hear. Suddenly, without warning, they pop into our universe at random times, like the decay particles of a Higgs singlet traveling in a fifth dimension. [434]
- 14th :: Culturomics, n-grams & sound artists
"Wollt ihr die totale Digitalisierung?" ... Data is the 21st century's gold, babe! - babel, car and can - and lots about the frequency of occurrences and the semantics of fuck, sound art and related terms in the 2012 Google books Ngram corpus. [433]