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content 16
2016 - august
- 04th :: Nicolas Collins - 2 April 2016, La Générale
A pretty much complete transcription of the audio recording of (mainly) Emmanuel Rébus and (a little bit) myself interviewing American composer Nicolas Collins, after lunch on Saturday April 2nd 2016, at La Générale Nord-Est in Paris, during the set-up for the Sonic Protest Festival. [469]
2016 - june
- 14th :: unPublic #18 - Daebu-Do, 14 June 2015, by Ian-John Hutchinson
The first full 24 hours live rendition of the 'String Quartet with windows, open' took place this summer in Brussels, in Recyclart's 'Vitrine 5', from 20h on Thursday July 9th, 2015, until 20h the next day, Friday July 10th, 2015, underneath the tracks of the Belgian railways leading to & fro the Chapel railway station. [sbpc 71 | g.002]
2016 - may
- 15th :: Emergence at/in the frontiers, fringes & trenches of contemporary music
An evolving collection of notes, thoughts and links around the presentation on (en gros) emergence in (free) electroacoustic improvisation by Rébus & myself, at the international interdisciplinary colloquium "L'émergence en musique", May 9-11 in Plaisir/Versailles (France). [468]
- 07th :: In Praise of Slownes
Second in a series of succinct reports on our last year's Kreativen Vikend, a sonic residency in the mountain village of Lazaropole (in the Republic of Macedonia), including the 21st unPublic, our passages through Skopje and a subsequent visit to Belgrad (Serbia). [sbpc 70 | 467]
2016 - march
- 21st :: Statues, Lenin, Dogs & Ruins
First in a series of succinct reports on our last year's Kreativen Vikend, a sonic residency in the mountain village of Lazaropole (in the Republic of Macedonia), our passages through Skopje and a subsequent visit to Belgrad (Serbia). [466]
2016 - january
- 25th :: Trust Us
About Michael Ghent's powerful cardboard installation "Trust Us", at Mains d'Oeuvres in Saint-Ouen: "... like black magic spells, cooked up to charm us into belief and conviction that all is solely meant and created for our good, and will hand us the one and only key to health, fortune and happiness. Or to god. To all." [sbpc 69 | 465]