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content 12
2012 - december
- 31st :: Große_Fuge.mp30000
Iterating mp3 encodings of a recording of Beethoven's Opus 133 - up to 30.000 times! - Har$, on the verge of 2013, puts the 'experimental' back into 'experimental music' ... a viola line cut through her, like cheese-wire ... ... An essay in feedback.
[sbpc 53 | 432]
- 9th :: Curiosity, Cubes & Number
What's inside the cube? A wacky sci-fi script - All about Peter Molyneux's Curiosity - A truly and unimaginably geeky part - Includes an overview of all the fascinating cube formulas that I am sure all of you have tried, but were unable, to derive... ;) ...
2012 - october
- 20th :: Audio monitoring the Watergate Hotel - DIKTAT : americana/1
The first in a series of Diktat Americana: how a small sticker in the lower left corner of one of the glass doors of the former lobby of the empty and desolate Watergate Hotel in Washington DC became the cherry on our US Dikta-cake.
[sbpc 52 | 430]
2012 - august
- 11th :: Diktat outside/inside the Manufactured Normalcy Field
Help the mighty Diktat cover the costs of their upcoming stay in America by buying a download of their thrilling new 'D I K T A T in Berlin' digital album, and find out why this illustrious quartet is the happening future of rock 'n' roll, be it somewhat outside of our manufactured normalcy field. 'If this were the 1960's, Diktat'd be the fucking Ronnettes'.
[sbpc 51 | 429]
- 4th :: 72 Hours of Post-Nuclear Survival
The 15th grand & post-apocalyptic Parisian Placard dropped its anchor at four fine counter cultural shelters in the French capital. With my own little post-experimental sub-Placard, i sailed along, while Rébus' sound provided both the Alpha and the Omega.
[sbpc 50 | 428]
2012 - july
- 26th :: UnOfficial Release
On Thomas Bey William Bailey's recent book about self-released & handmade audio: a dazzling, be it fragmentary, tour of the history and development of autonomous ('underground') music networks since the late 1970's, which played a pivotal role 'in the survival of radical sonic eclecticism into the 21st century'. [427] - 18th :: The World As We Found It [ Ludwig & Ludwig for Dummies ]
In Sub071, arguably the world's smallest underground venue, with the Haarlem 5 piece La Vie de Bohème I did a live pre-view of 'Het Moet Zo Zijn', a track to appear on the Dutch Smikkelbaard label as part of an upcoming 7" vinyl release. 'A record of utter wanton libidinousness'. [426]
- 10th :: The Sound Barrier
A national, monumental & ephemeral public urban space artwork by Geert-Jan Hobijn, Harold Schellinx and Kevin Schuit, conceived for the 55th Venice biennale (June-November 2013). "Futures have to be thought before they can be built or sold..." [425]
- 07th :: A Forest Hanging from A Tree
With E t c ... we performed 3 x 2 x 30 minutes of dark, electric urban (un)nature scapes, at the intriguing (devious, unobtrusive and tentacular) three day Festival des Ephémères in the Parisian Jardins d'Eole. I edited a 5-track digital album from the recordings made on june 30th and july 1st: eCtology. [424]
- 01st :: CityNumberScapes
are field/quotidian recordings of urban space, peppered with recited numbers found within the landscape, done as 'artlessly' as possible: just press record, look, walk & speak... Read about the making by Louis Lamp and myself, of 3 one hour citynumberscapes for ResonanceFM's 'Clear Spot. In London, Amsterdam and Paris. [423]
2012 - june
2012 - may
- 06th :: Y.3 = YltrA!
[ One big sweep, from ULTRA-modern to post-experimental (iii) ]
An extra-ordinary workshop and experience: 30 hours of sound & music making the ULTRA-way, with 13 students of the rietveld academy for fine arts and design, in Club Karlsson on the Amsterdam Keizersgracht. From scratch to concert in less than 2 days... [421]
- 03th :: One big sweep, from ULTRA-modern to post-experimental (ii)
My favorite swarm of houseflies by now also knowing how to U-L-T-R-A, lots of other ding-dong, a brandnew T-shirt, tasty cakes, high expectations, a great many Minny Pops, all sort of liquids and a canceled last New Moons performance... I carried all of it back home with me.
2012 - april
- 02nd :: One Big Sweep, from ULTRA-modern to post-experimental (i)
A (1st) ULTRA-craze wrap up; about the author of the ULTRA book becoming a Thai music playing, mice torturing deadhead; and in-cluding an ex-clusive, post-experimental, New Moons track: 'Back to Nature' (based on Hanns Eisler's Rückkehr zur Natur) [sbpc 48 | 419]
2012 - february
- 27th :: Flies, not in the ointment...
On how and why I became a dedicated follower of a swarm of tweeting houseflies ... [418]
- 19th :: Magnetic Remanence: Another Paris Tape Run
An exciting presentation at the Instants Chavirés in Montreuil (France), richly topped with bourbon, beer & snacks. And a far, far more sober & austere Diktat performance at the wonderful-but-cold-in-wintertime La Générale Nord-Est. [417]