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content 14
2014 - december
- 31st :: The eerie symmetry of a perfect ping [or, taking a bunch of cowbells and dropping them down the stairs]
To make sound 'the ugliest piece of music in the world', a couple of years ago Scott Rickard interpreted a length 88 exponential Welch-Costas sequence together with a Golomb ruler for its timeline as a piece of piano music in which no two directed pitch intervals between equidistant notes are the same. But how 'pattern free' and 'void of structure' is such a 'Perfect Ping' really? About permutations, gracefulness, classiness, Pohlman Mallalieu's all interval 12 tone row and cowbells dropping down the stairs... A de-construction... [456]
2014 - september
- 11th :: String Quartet with windows, open
A string quartet that lasts 24 hours and is playing in my living room; with the windows wide open. Being the entanglement of random walks that layer two form-ally near to identical soundscapes (a city traffic sound scape and the violins), the work, without any apparent dramatic development, of an extreme long duration and cycling back upon itself, is a virtually everlasting now, the eternal present, which is our future's past. The full 24 hour set is available as a high quality download at Bandcamp's. [sbpc 64 | 455]
2014 - august
- 02nd :: Appearance and reality
On the morning of Tuesday July 22nd 2014, a mix of predetermination and chance brought Laura Wetherington and myself together inside the American Library in Paris, where we performed un-publicly, quick 'n' rough 'n' dirty, and based - quite literally - on a 19th century metaphysical essay. [454]
2014 - july
2014 - june
- 19th :: Lecture de Cassette
I found a little yellow piece of paper on the pavement not far from where I live. Hand written, on its two sides, were detailed instructions - in French - on how to operate a cassette player. As this knowledge is likely to soon become forgotten knowledge, you may want to bookmark this page for future reference. [452]
2014 - may
- 09th :: You are NOT Hier!
Popp by the ookoi, released as a GPS empowered iPhone application, which limits playback of each of the tracks to a specific European city. The first track can only be heard in Amsterdam (nl), the second one only in Heerlen (nl), the third one only in Kortrijk (be) and the final one only in Paris (fr). [451]
2014 - april
- 08th :: La physicalité du son. [Tome I]
As part of the quite wonderful 10th edition of the Sonic Protest Festival, Rébus and myself entertained and
educated the visitors of the festival's Let's Get Physical-part - à La Générale, Paris XI - with,
on and about the phys-icality of sound.
I did the first part, on Sunday April 6th.
Here is the abstract. [450]
2014 - march
- 08th :: "12 - 11 - 9 - 10 - 3 - 6 - 7 - 1 - 2 - 8 - 4 - 5"
About hacking Karlheinz Stockhausen's 1957 paper on a new morphology of musical time (... wie die Zeit vergeht ...) into three time-pass-poems. It explains all the counting in the 5th unPublic session, which made things - here and there - sort of sound like Karl-Philip Stockglass. [sbpc 62 | 449]
2014 - february
- 01st :: Le Temps Musical
Evolving, pseudo-random/contingent list and inventory of quotes thoughts, links and notes to (pre- and post-) accompany Le Temps Musical, two days that were dedicated to the concept of time in and of music, on Februay 6th and 7th, 2014, at Le Cube, Issy-les-Moulineaux. [sbpc 61 | 448]