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content 17
2017 - august
2017 - june
- 11th :: Moving out, of, on ... [ii]
Second part of a picture book showing some of the packing and ongoing deconstruction prior to my moving from the apartment in Vincennes where I lived for more than twenty years, to a new one in Montreuil, a little bit more to the north-east in the Parisian region, and a 42nd unPublic on May 11th, the night before our moving, sonically sealing the end of an era / (ear). [sbpc 73 | 472]
2017 - april
- 25th :: Moving out, of, on ... [i]
First part of a picture book showing some of the packing and ongoing deconstruction prior to my moving from the apartment in Vincennes where I lived for more than twenty years, to a new one in Montreuil, a little bit more to the north-east in the Parisian region. [471]
- 12th :: 1024, 2016, 2M0M1X1VII7, 2027, 2029 ...
Celebrating ookoi's 1024's 10th birthday, about this year's weekly oki doki 10 minutes and 24 seconds podcast, 2m0m1x1vii7 and the new prime year's 10-seconds-a-day audio diary, a follow-up to 2011's 'Seventy Seconds'. [sbpc 72 | 470]