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content 03
2003 - december
- 22th :: xmas in kentucky
"Preparing the 'choreography' for the la belle soirée 's performance
made me feel like Beckett's Krapp , digging up spirits from the past. I
even imagined doing a Krapp -like 'Live chronicle', sitting behind my table
on a stage, going through my notebooks, picking out tapes from a box, playing
them, and commenting..." [86]
- 02th :: manchine musics
treated their patient from a (safe?) distance, through smallish turning
and magnetic devices dangling from bits of string above and around the divers
parts of their guitar. Each one of these 'tools' was lowered manually. abs(.)hum
pulled the strings, they're surgeon-puppeteers..." [85]
2003 - november
- 28th :: pituite souvenir
"It is not easy to destruct a piano. It is not easy at all. And I'm
tempted to state that this particular november evening aux Voûtes
the piano won..." [84]
- 23th - 14th :: mp3 dot gone
"This past decade's "noise made by the people": mp3.com had it al. Or, at least, a lot of it.
And it is not so much some of it in particular that interests me.
It is "the whole chaotic noise together "..." [83]
- 18th :: what is in a wiki ?
"HarSWiki might become the 'comments and discussions' section of
the SoundBlog, as well as a place where you can contribute ... It may
also stay desperately empty of course ... :-) ..." [82]
- 18th :: soundblog rss syndication
"New additions to the SoundBlog, and other - more or less frequently updated - parts of
harsmedia dot com are announced by means of our rss feed..." [81]
2003 - october
- 29th :: catching spirits
"I imagined a recording of a composition for choir, say, that over
time would reflect the changes in vocal performance according to that
of the singers in their actual 'lives'. And how in the course of time
voices would start to age, then to disappear from the recording..." [80]
- 23th - 14th :: rockin' satan
"I decided to submit Mr. Blanchet's lecture to the reversal test, and ...
lo and behold! ... I did not have to look far! Actually, Mr. Blanchet's
lecture is literally crammed with 'backward masked' subliminal messages!
Urbain Blanchet, you little devil, you! ... ;-) ... " [79]
2003 - september
- 30th :: "voici mon journal de voyage"
"A while ago, at the Montreuil flea market, I bought a cardboard box full
of old home recorded cassette tapes..." [78]
- 16th :: silence
"There was this - to me almost painfully - tensed concentration emanating from the guy, sitting
there wrapped around his electric guitar ('axe'), carefully approaching its strings and pick ups,
ever nearer but hardly touching, struggling to make as little sound as possible..." [77]
- 09th :: tectonic plates
"A video/audio animation (work in progress) by Calum Stirling." [76]
- 06th :: factuals
"The phrase is a slogan; it sounds good. It probably was meant to be sort of a provocation and
a firm stand, jotted down at a time and period when some considered it an imminent necessity that all
art be modeled in the image of science..." [75]
2003 - august
- 28th :: "three weeks is a lifetime"
"On real life crickets stridulating, and the efforts made by man..." [74]
- 26th :: minor spaceships
""In some ways, it sounds like the porno movie soundtrack for 'Robby the Robot Does The Atari
2600!' Very Ed Wood. Very neo-primal," is what Shane said about it..." [73]
- 17th :: listen, listen, listen
"Strange Audio 'announced' their page on the phonography-list, invoking
some interesting reactions, like that of James Reynolds jr., describing
his question-box..." [72]
- 04th :: new acquisitions (#7, #8)
"I changed the Exhibition's homepage, stretching it horizontally
- like tape! ..." [71]
2003 - july
- 31th :: gaité lyrique
"MacDo[rarhei]_mi ('ra' for 'radio', 'rhei' for 'Rheingold')..." [70]
- 24th :: start > transmission
"I received a copy of the promotional sampler CD for Me'd1.ate 's Project > Soundwave..." [69]
- 04th :: chaz you spaz !
"Chaz the Spaz recently launched a couple of dozens of 'interview' threads on mp3.com's Main Artist Board Forum, a messageboard that for many months now has been
a place to avoid, spreading, as it did, the stench of the mega-OMD's impending demise..." [68]
- 02th :: pariznoize
"The Observatoire du Bruit decided to color the Parisian Street Plan, using a color scheme to indicate
average noise levels (ranging from bright green to stand for relative peace and quiet to darkish deep blue for
raising hell)..." [67]
- :: mp3mabf-chaz-hars
"It's about stories. Narration. Illustration. There's something very
'interdisciplinary' about it, something fundamentally 'multi'..." [66]
2003 - june
- 24th :: language removal
"Somewhat unfortunate that the Language Removal Services seem to be stuck in the gimmicky aspects of
their enterprise..." [66]
- 22th :: dam
"The first seventeen Sound Chronicles, with an overall playing time
of about an hour, are now to be had, nicely packaged, shrinkwrapped and
in transparent-all-over jewel case, on a 'manufacture-on-order' (DAM -
'Digital Automatic < ... ?-{ ... > Music') CDR..." [65]
- 20th :: live chronicles
"'Live' chronicles are performable sound chronicles. Well-structured and
and with fixed elements to make them 'recognizable', but on the other hand with enough
liberty for intervention
and 'chance' choices involved to make every 'performance' different - in
an interesting way..." [64]
- 06th :: geluideiland :: isle of sound(s)
"The total number of sounds to be discovered now is 52 ... If one were to listen to all of them:
the total playing time is more than an hour. ..." [63]
2003 - may
- 14th - 31th ::
Ameland Diary
- 14th - geluidjutten
"Between may 15 and 22 I was on the Dutch isle Ameland, as 'artist
in residence' at hotel-gallery Dit Eiland. I've been roaming the island,
on foot, on bicycle, and by several other means, and recorded how
the island sounds to me ..." [62]
- 16th
"Ah but no, I did not have that confidence.
And opted for the surest way out of Paris: a taxi, early enough to avoid the traffic jams
sure to paralyze most of the city at the start, the middle and the end of major striking days..." [61]
- 17th
"Had a quick lunch on the beach while 'snapping' sounds of far-away crying seagulls and
the distant, actually sort of friendly, roars of the sea..." [60]
- 18th - sije
"0nly after a couple of extraordinary performances by Sije de Vries, a member of de soos from Sneek over
for a week-end on the island, which included his bigger-than-life rendering of the sounds made by farm animals,
belly-dancing, other acrobatics and more, de Zwaan's management made us call it a day and we all went down
the vilage's main street back to our hotels, singing in the rain..." [59]
- 19th
"In the afternoon a truly fierce wind started blowing, making outdoor recording pretty much impossible, but producing a whistling sound
through window cracks that simply begged to be snapped..." [58]
- 20th - pole 25
"Almost simultaneously I got attacked by a seagull, who started diving ever lower and lower over my head. As a genuine suicide pilot - or as if
auditioning for a lead in a remake of 'Birds', say - shreeking 'n' squeeking 'n' crying out loud..." [57]
- 21th - top of the world
"A b-e-autiful lighthouse, fully metal, ringed in white and red. A nameless lighthouse..." [56]
- 31th - postscript
"Been a great action. Some fifteen hours of 'Ameland sound pictures', half in mono, on cassette, the other half in stereo, on MD..." [55]
- 05th :: lo + fi + new + montages
"You hear me exhanging over une hundred hello's ('Bonjour!') - making for a total of more than two hundred - with fellow walkers
that I chanced upon in the French Pyrenees..." [54]
- 04th :: r2r
"I found an old small grey Kodak reel to reel tape spool near the entrance to the Bérault metro station, with
still a bit of tape on it..." [53]
2003 - april
- 24th :: splice and tape
"They advised me to use ... ordinary cellotape..." [52]
- 15th :: new acquisitions (#5, #6)
"Finally found some time to add to Found Tapes, my online exhibition of 'castaway sounds'..." [51]
- 02th :: ph75
"In large parts of these two pieces Pierre Henry transforms the (concrete) sounds he uses way beyond all possible recognition,
thus working with electronically manipulated material, that is pretty much indistiguishable from electronically generated one..." [50]
2003 - march
- 27th :: while the world waited
"Now available: While the World Waited - Volume One, a compilation of 'experimental'
tracks released on Cory Thrall's Samsa Records label, including my
Sans paroles (speechless)
and "Les Années Pop"..." [49]
- 19th :: sounds of war
"Ah well. It's a safe enough guess that almost all will watch Baghdad
burning on their tellie ..." [48]
- 08th :: better no more trains
"We shut down the station. We'll have to re-think the concept..." [47]
2003 - february
- 25th :: MacNoise
"What do you mean: 'Malicious Entry'? Me? ..." [46]
- 19th :: out of the blue
"Another fascinating 'year-long' concept. This one as dreamed up
by Chris Cutler, it's realization made possible by ResonanceFM..." [45]
- 16th :: curieus, curieuzer, curieust
"Since the first of this january, Otis Fodder, from Seatlle, Washington,
posts a brand new audio curiosity every day, in mp3 format, downloadable
from his otisfodder.com. He intends to continue to do so for the rest
of the year..." [44]
- 10th :: jack the beats
- 09th :: meta music
"It continuously measures position, speed and direction of movement
of feet, arms, wrists, hands and fingers of the 'player', and hence allows
her to simultaneously control many distinct sound and signal processors,
synthesizers, projectors, whatever..." [42]
- 04th :: better more new trains
"What Pierre Schaeffer wrote in 1948, when he decided to compose
a train track, and went out to record the sounds of trains ... (... direct-to-disc
..., but not a hard one ... !) ..." [41]
2003 - january
- 25th :: the cracklings
"It is not simply that the ear of this first criticism hears the cracklings of the
phono pick-up but rather that it desires to hear only them, making them into a new music..." [40]
- 18th :: de negende van henze
"I was siting close to the stage, reading the faces of the players. They are so much 'at work', now,
aren't they? This is their job; some of them like what they do, some of them don't..." [39]
- 17th :: signs
"In the early morning still dark,
I came across two pieces of old recording gear, posed on the pavement, near the flower shop, waiting
for the garbage collector that would pass any minute nows..." [38]
- 09th :: finders keepers
"It must have been a curious sight, me there on my knees on the freezing
pavement stones next to the road sign, gently pulling leaves and twigs
from a clod of dirty old cassette tape..." [37]
- 01th :: better more happy years
"The event consisted in a series of highly minimalistic, loopishly rythmical
'noise-scapes', developing and shifting in subtle and interesting ways..." [36]