[ 08 | 07 | 06 | 05 | 04 | 03 |
02 ]
content 02 :: (2002 - december | august)
2002 - december
- 28th :: the sound of cricket
"Most of the original sound sources are taken from cricket commentary. Samples of commentary, cricket bat hits,
shouts of players, stumps and crowd noise, we're extracted and then arranged ..." [35]
- 22th :: Stuff/unStuff
"The beats of DJ Benno Blome actually managed to unblock my nose ... temporarily ..." [34]
- 13th :: Signs/Symptoms
"This stuff is disturbing but strangely alluring. It is very original. It seems like it has no structure until you get to the end and for some reason
it becomes memorable." And: "It's people like you that bring a new era to music. Maybe in the future everyone will have those type beats"..." [33]
- 12th :: density 21.5
"I am the proud owner of quite a collecion of recordings of out-of-tune-and-time performing amateur orchestras, individuals,
duos, trios, quartets and so forth..." [32]
2002 - november
- 30th :: 39 + 1 = 40, or more
"The number of stations playing Sound Chronicles jumped from 39 to precisely 40 - or, as I can no longer know for sure, I should say:
at least 40... the newest and fortieth being Slick's Mix, a station run by none less than Slick Ant Da Illfiguh, playing "hot hip-hop and
soul; past, present, and next!"..." [31]
- 24th :: exhibit #4
"I spotted them from inside the tramway, actually, and decided to
pick them up
on my way back, a couple of hours later. And, yeah: they were still there!..." [30]
- 21th :: accidental musics (S.i.W. 2)
"What I had been hearing and continued to hear was caused by the
rubbing of the black rubber handrail against metal, acting as a gigantic tapeloop..." [29]
- 19th :: SEtaccio
"Regularly also there was the low grumble of an underground train passing below, but that, of course was
not intentional..." [28]
- 13th :: survivors in the city wear clean underwear
"The 'Signs and Symptoms' were that what characterized each of the
sixty distinct types of 'Big City Losers', as described by the author
in his guide: "those who are the most probable victims of mugging,
robbery, rape, mutilation, coshing, murder, burglary, pocket-picking,
street accidents or molestation by the pervert who picks on someone
to sit next to in the cinema"..." [27]
- 12th :: better more trains
"It was Schaeffer
himself who in one very first pieces, 'Etude de chemin de fer' ('Train Study'),
part of his 'Cinq Etudes de bruits' ('5 Noise Studies') from 1948, used (exclusively) the pre-recorded sounds of
trains as material..." [26]
- 11th :: frippertronics
"'Frippertronics' is a delay/feedback system by means of two connected
reel-to-reel audio tape machines. Its application in music goes back to
the 1960's (Terry Riley, Pauline Oliveros), but 'Frippertronics' became
more widely known through the use made of it by Brian Eno and Robert Fripp
as of the early 1970's..." [25]
- 08th :: what fascinates me
"is not so much the idea that the bits of cassette tape that one finds here and there out in the streets
and in the fields might have been blown about by the wind for some time, or might have travelled quite some distance by
whatever other means, before you pick them up..." [24]
- 07th :: double dutch
"Dat 'muziek niks zeggen wil' niet verwarren met dat 'muziek niks wil zeggen'..." [23]
- 07th :: more on found tape montage
"I move the bits manually along the head of a cassette-player, in order to determine the coated side of the tape.
I currently do not have an easy way to avoid splicing them in the wrong direction, and indeed some of the
tape bits end up playing backwards..." [22]
- 03th :: better more crimson
"And I always thought of that as having been necessarily
something quite intentional.
So throughout the years I have started thinking and saying that this was just such a marvelous thing to do..." [21]
2002 - october
- 27th :: tarkovskian soundtracks
"Through the thoughtful ('mindful') slowness of much of the visual 'action'
all of the sounds (or even their absence) get an eery depth: wind,
water, fire, the simple walking around, the moving about of objects..." [20]
- 20th :: the art of sing
"... now this sends air - for the low notes it is hot air, for the high ones it is cold air - which passes by the vocal cords,
and so produces the approximate sound, and then using your inner ear you make it right..." [19]
- 16th :: polytopes
"And then there was one, somewhat later there were two, then there were three, then suddenly there were hundreds that started
throwing all of them cushions up and around, all jumping and laughing, unloading, making them blue tissued discs circle and curve over and against our heads ..." [18]
2002 - september
- 26th :: demolition
"Mondriaan made several sketches of the walls remaining where appartment
buildings were being demolished in the middle of a block, with all the
remaining traces: painting on the walls, wallpaper, the diagonal lines
where the staircase used to be..." [17]
- 23th :: review
"By hearing it repeatedly several times showed that they were
those to which the expression and meaning are changed by the posture which
we hear... " [16]
- 20th :: quite a mouthful
"How did Alan break his acoustic piano, just a few days before he
started recording? How does one break an acoustic piano? What
happened?..." [15]
- 19th :: each music is smart
"Original aesthetics is felt. Each music is smart..." [14]
- 18th :: nailing vermin
"I spread the floorboards with glue... " [13]
- 17th :: detour
"I must have forced my luck by making the detour I made, instead
of taking my usual shortest route to the train station..." [12]
- 14th :: accidental musics (S.i.W. 1)
"The band was playing an up tempo piece in 3/4, and a - well, yeah,
really - inspired tenor solo mixed with the excited random screaming and
yelling of kids playing tag, till both tenor and shrieks pretty much simultaneously
reached some sort of a climax, to make way for the rhythmic honking and
hooting of a few dozens of cars following a shiny white limo..." [11]
- 10th :: twin peeks
"No post tomorrow..." [10]
- 09th :: 2 down, 3 to go
"'Who knows?' Rabuck said, "I'd just throw the tapes back in the
street, they were put there for a reason!'..." [9]
- 08th :: speechless
"An amazing sound document, for many reasons: the calculated styling
of text declamation and performance, its histery, and - maybe most of
all - the sheer endlessly roaring cheers of the crowd..." [8]
- 06th :: magnetic migration
"It is tempting to think of some of these strands as having
travelled a long way and for a long time, blown by the wind from a land
far, far away, floating from station to station, only waiting for you
to find them..." [7]
- 02th :: ten seconds a day
"Way back, in the year 2000, a small group of musicmakers got inspired
by a wonderfully simple idea, apparently due to Karsten Schulze, from
Cologne, Germany: record ten seconds of sound/music every day of the year.
..." [6]
- 01th :: not available
"The 'Cordial Satsuma Compilation' became available for on-line purchase
first week of may. Today it got deleted ..." [5]
2002 - august
- 28th :: experimentation
"Sikcerug asked me what exactly I am "experimenting with", and observed that "experimentation requires
some relation (or breaking of) to a more concrete/developed form"..." [4]
- 21th :: speed kills (mice)
"Them poor real life Jerry's appeared to "jiggle backwards and forwards" as the music pounded
in their ears..." [3]
- 21th :: mirror, mirror ... (isabelle)
"A girl sits at a table, reading, and her image is reflected in the glass of the open window..." [2]
- 19th :: in the beginning
"it is precisely seven years ago today that Pierre Schaeffer passed away..." [1]