To keep up to date on the ookoi's b.ookoi's progress and all related events and activities, follow Stduio on Bandcamp!
[ b.ookoi (i) | (ii) | 019 | 131 | 138 | 178 | 284 | 329 | 419 | 506 | 507 | 562 | 624 | 664 | 789 | 793 | 954 | b.ookoipera]
.. min read 🤓
march 04, 2024
latest update: may 18, 2024
« Milling wormholes to our not-so-'the-Jetsons'-like future, from there then up to here now and after. »
[ Stduio Numbr pages' contents continue to evolve. Stories in, on, over and around the numbrs, part of the b.ookoi, over time will be added upon, adjusted, refined, retold, re-deconstructed, in a dynamic process, shaped whatever way memories may make them be. ]
In a 2017 brimming with private & public drama, the ookoi meticulously chronicled their lives' and the world's events in a brilliant wavering, all-revealing sound poem: the ookoi dooki, a series of 52 curiously crafted, un-edited weekly podcasts that were live recorded ('in één keer goed') over glitchy VoIP connections spanning the globe, streaming from here to there and back again. Each episode (we called these o ki do ki) lasts 624 seconds (10'24"), hence making for a total time of 52 x 624 = 52 x 52 x 12 seconds.
This new numbr in Stduio's series of awesome foursomes, No. 624, is 'één ding' (one thing) consisting in the four (4) 2'36" parts of one (1) among the 52-to-the-power-52 (= 170 octovigintillion 676 septenvigintillion 555 sexvigintillion 274 quinvigintillion 132 quattuorvigintillion 171 trevigintillion 974 duovigintillion 277 unvigintillion 914 vigintillion 691 novemdecillion 501 octodecillion 574 septendecillion 771 sexdecillion 358 quindecillion 362 quattuordecillion 295 tredecillion 975 duodecillion 962 undecillion 674 decillion 353 nonillion 45 octillion 737 septillion 940 sextillion 41 quintillion 855 quadrillion 191 trillion 232 billion 907 million 575 thousand 296) possible different derived **o ki do ki**'s, each one a unique combination of 52 consecutive 12-second segments picked from the 52 original 2017 podcasts, in chronological order.
Again, this adds up to a duration of 52x12=624 secs for each and every one of these derived **o ki do ki**'s: 10'24".
[(The tracks' titles encode their composition: the first one, 35443527042104471215294344, starts with the 35th 12 seconds from the first *o ki do ki*, followed by the 44th 12 secs from the second, the 35th 12 seconds from the third, 27th from the fourth, etc., until the 44th 12 seconds from the13th *o ki do ki*; the second one, 38252601181841162615044616, starts with the 38th 12 seconds from the 14th *o ki do ki*, followed by the 25th 12 seconds from the 15th, the 26th 12 seconds from the 16th, 1st from the 17th, etc., etc.)]
Uit het ot-o ki do ki dicht boek:
Liefde en roem, oorlogen en rampen,
dat de wereld draait en rond is,
langzaam doe ik afstand van mijn boeken,
terug weer bij de grote lijn, ( * )
het kronkelpad.
No violent scenes, nor avant garde,
no postmodern content_
geen algoritmes in de fade,
slechts acht minuten handspin,
de jouwe zwart, de mijne
in de regen noordwaarts,
beperkt tot een witte bal.
Kijk, kijk, mijn waterfluit,
en enkel lippen die bewegen,
zonder geld, alsof we Trump zijn.
Heb je je moeder wel gebeld?
Ach, mijn moeder kreeg een kàt,
en die kàt werd als een hond,
45 acid, baby !
Jongen, meisje,
meisjes, jongens,
boys and girls
(*) Giuseppe Longo opent zijn 'Le cauchemar de Prométhéé' met wat hij, met ontzag, de 'Big Bang' van de westerse wiskunde noemt: de tweede (β) in de reeks van definities waarmee Euclides zijn Elementen opent. Een opening ('ouverture'), waarvan de verzen inderdaad in impact en schoonheid niet onderdoen aan die, zeg, waarmee in het Nieuwe Testament het evangelie van Johannes opent.
Σημεῖόν ἐστιν, οὗ μέρος οὐθέν, zegt Euclides' eerste definitie: een punt is dat wat geen deel heeft. En in de dertiende wordt een begrenzing geduid als een uiterste van het één of het ander (ὅρος ἐστίν, ὅ τινός ἐστι πέρας), om vervolgens te dienen in de definitie van een figuur als dat wat bevat is in een begrenzing of binnen begrenzingen (σχῆμά ἐστι τὸ ὑπό τινος ἤ τινων ὅρων περιεχόμενον). [
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To receive updates on the ookoi's b.ookoi's progress and all related events and activities, follow Stduio on Bandcamp!
The b.ookoi are coming!
—wordt vervolgd—
Read about the ookoi elsewhere:
ANNUAL, 1, december 2023 (Korm Plastics) - Green-tainted hyperbole, quailish quirks and summer-flies. The inscrutable genius of the ookoi.
eContact! 21.2, july 2023 - Towards an Unhearable Music. Conceptualism in the ookoi's art.
Gonzo #88, september/october 2008 - Zelfcomponerende Klankstukken
Read about the ookoi and Raudio and Stduio on the SoundBlog:
(2024, december 24) - The « ookoide » (Awesome Foursomes (xxii) - No. 131)
(2024, september 10) - Home is my Rome (Awesome Foursomes (xix, xxi) - No. 506, 507)
(2024, june 17) - Long live ookoi! (Leve ookoi!): a b.ookoipera / een tehoorspel
(2024, march 04+) - The « ot-o ki do ki » (Awesome Foursomes (xviii) - No. 624)
(2023, december 31) - d.ookoi writes b.ookoi (ii) - A Year in the Rear (2023)
(2023, december 16+) - Awesome Foursomes (xi) - No. 178
(2023, december 16+) - Awesome Foursomes (x) - No. 789
(2023, december 16+) - Awesome Foursomes (ix) - No. 329
(2023, august 20) - Three days of residency at Les Ateliers Claus, Brussels
(2022, april 25) - Awesome Foursomes (viii) - No. 664
(2022, march 31) - Awesome Foursomes (vii) - No. 138
(2022, february 20) - Awesome Foursomes (vi) - No. 419
(2021, november 01) - Awesome Foursomes (v) - No. 954
(2021, august 20) - Awesome Foursomes (iv) - No. 793
(2021, july 18) - Awesome Foursomes (iii) - No. 562
(2021, july 09) - Awesome Foursomes (ii)- No. 284
(2021, june 21) - Awesome Foursomes (i) - No. 019
(2021, may 31) - d.ookoi writes b.ookoi (i)
(2020, january 26) - STDUIO Arti: aLife @Hal-fIve
(2020, january 25) - STDUIO Arti: The LⒶst Weekend
(2019, march 03) - ookoi 2.0: the remake of a spect[r]al b[r]and
(2017, april 12) - 1024
(2015, march 07) - The men once in green are now writing a book!
(2014, may 09) - You are NOT Hier!
(2013, july 03) - How to keep devils away
(2013, may 06) - Next Numbr!
(2012, june 24) - Ninja Fruit Plus Instruments
(2012, may 06) - Y.3 = Yltra !
(2012, may 06) - Our final gig / Ons laatste optreden
(2010, may 23) - 'Raise the trumpet, sound the drum'
(2010, april 02) - [Second Life and WudyWudy]
(2010, january 05) - ookoi: onderood
(2009, november 17) - Soli Deo Gloria !
(2009, october 10) - Project Icarus OST
(2009, august 24) - ookoi ShakeNRoll
(2009, july 18) - Pure . Reactive . Music . Hack Day
(2009, april 07) - "Blood and Bottom" (Raudi0GaGa)
(2009, february 21) - Insular arithmetic (ookoi toont)
(2009, january 31) - A glimpse of Heesbeen
(2009, january 15) - Rien à voir
(2008, october 02) - The right to be slow
(2008, june 06) - Raudio Graffiti: almost live !
(2008, february 24) - The Great Washing
(2007, december 04) - I'm an island
(2007, november 20) - Live Beyond the Paradiso, Amsterdam
(2007, september 04) - leve ookoi! (3)
(2007, august 22) - leve ookoi! (2)
(2007, august 12) - leve ookoi! (1)
(2007, april 12) - Back to Berlin [Raudio 11/15]
(2007, march 24) - Vicky, Killers and Avatars
(2007, february 15) - Every presentation is a premiere
(2007, january 25) - 1024 Waarden, by ookoi
(2007, january 19) - Preparations for a Second Life
(2006, november 05) - Cellarlar Heroes
(2006, october 20) - Funky shit
(2006, august 14) - placard : la générale
(2006, july 07) - de-'tails of lite house keeping'
(2006, may 06) - jam karet?
(2006, april 04) - 100+ new (r)audio philes ... [3] [Raudio 07]
(2006, march 20) - raudio @cosman's
(2006, march 12) - 100+ new (r)audio philes ... [2] [Raudio 07]
(2006, march 03) - 100+ new (r)audio philes ... [1] [Raudio 07]
(2005, october 12) - Raudio #06 [Raudio 06]
(2005, september 25) - 0 OK, 0:1, life on ze road
(2005, july 31) - Outside - Inside Paradiso
(2005, june 18) - Sand-Y da-Y #5-7 [Raudio 05]
(2005, june 05) - Sand-Y :: da-Y #04 - da birds
(2005, may 26-24) - Sand-Y :: da-Y #03, #02, #01 - Crew cut ; "The truth is out here" ; ::
(2005, may 14) - 9 Beet Stretch [Raudio Special]
(2005, march 31) - Raudio #04 :: "GespRek 1982-2005" [Raudio 04]
(2005, february 10) - raudio #3 (drie/three) [Raudio 03]
(2004, december 08) - pure sound [Raudio 02]
(2004, november 24) - other, and good news! [Raudio 01]
(2004, october 10) - raudio launched
(2004, september 24) - made in ameland
(2004, june 09) - boyzz buzz # listen!global corpus
(2004, may 20-31) - >∞-îl_o_tré
Read some of the ookoi's papers in pdf:
(2014) - Localized Sounds, Sounding Locations.
Presented at the International Symposium "Locative Media and Sound Art", Kortrijk (be)
(2007) - ookoi - Uptime Publishing Demonstration. (With Jay Needham.)
ookoi - The works:
(2015—now) :: writing b.ookoi: pick a number!
(2017) Weekly, 10'24" :: ookoi dooki podcast
(2014) HIER - iPhone app, 4 track album of localized Future Popp
(2013) Y ¬ Y.1024 (HTML5 web app)
(2013) Wandelzand - iPhone app, soundwalk for the Dutch isle of Ameland
(2012) Palm Top Theatre V2
(2010) WudyWudy, machina movie, filmed in Second Life by Evo Szuyuan (trailer)
(2009) ookoi_@_E@rport, Amsterdam - channel 19 of the RAUDIO IIIII streaming audio art iThing app
(2009) ShakeNRoll, Project Icarus OST - scenes for the RJDJ reactive music iPhone platform
(2009) iRingg®, iPhone ringtones
(2009) 2525 (video)
(2008) L'Ecoute - public space screen video
(2008) Jam Karet I & Jam Karet IV - pocket movies
(2007) Live beyond the Paradiso (USB-stick data-dump)
(2007) Leve ookoi! - channel 16 of the RAUDIO IIIII streaming audio art iThing app
(2007) 1024 (DVD)
(2007) 1024 Waarden - flash animation
(2006) "Roam Stroam" - channel 12 of the RAUDIO IIIII streaming audio art iThing app
(2006) Tijdrekken - flash animation
(2005) Sand-Y (Zandoog) - channel 7 of the RAUDIO IIIII streaming audio art iThing app
(2004) Muziektafel-Tafelmuziek (CD)
(1980) Signs and Symptoms
Read about ULTRA on the SoundBlog:
(2012, june 24) - A Night at the Museum [ One big sweep, from ULTRA-modern to post-experimental (iv) ]
(2012, may 06) - Y.3 = YltrA! [ One big sweep, from ULTRA-modern to post-experimental (iii) ]
(2012, may 03) - One big sweep, from ULTRA-modern to post-experimental (ii)
(2012, april 02) - One big sweep, from ULTRA-modern to post-experimental (i)
(2011, december 24) - Touching base
Read about ULTRA in Gonzo (Circus) [Dutch]:
Gonzo #108, maart/april 2012 - Ultra
An English translation of this Gonzo-essay is available on Medium:
(2023, december 30) ULTRA, in Times of Panic.
notes __ ::
(*) In: Ernst van Alphen. Aandacht schenken. De Witte Raaf, nr. 225, September/Oktober 2023, p. 4-6. [
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(**) Bart Verschaffel. First Ideas on Art. Being Moved and Criticism. In: What Artistry Can Do: Essays on Art and Beauty. Edinburgh University Press (2022). [
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(***) I guess you will have recognized the 'easy score' wink here, détournement of the lyrics to Mick Jagger & Keith Richards' ballad 'Angie' [
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tags: ookoi
# .539.