================================================================================= ## SB-uP newsletter_2502 ## date:March 16th 2025 ================================================================================= Dear all ! This is the second edition in a brand-new series of old-school and text-only SB-uP newsletters. I truly appreciate and thank you, in times of total information and creation overload, for giving me a few minutes of your attention :: do read along and maybe click some of the links. What's behind them may interest you. **@1@ ~ FUTURE LIVE** _ If you are in or near BRUSSELS (Belgium): on Wednesday March 26th, 10 days from now, come & catch me performing solo, and in trio with Shih-wen Lee (double bass) and Yi Huijun (voice, guzheng), on a 'One Moment Free Impro' (OMFI) evening at the Rue du Grand Hospice No. 7. Doors open at 20h, concert at 20h30. (euros 10) _ The day before, Tuesday March 25th, we profit from the occasion of being in Brussels by doing an unPublic (big band?) session in the Ateliers Claus' studio (thank you, Frans) **@2@ ~ L O N G E S T D A Y ***_ _ Precisely three months from now you can find me in ROTTERDAM (the Netherlands), June 16th-22nd, at and around the wonderful WORM, where, apart from making new sounds/music (e.g. in a number of unPublic editions at different locations), you might encounter green-clad ookoi clones, get a once-in-a-lifetime view of a four-vintage-screens installation of the ookoi's classic '1024', and on the evening of this year's L O N G E S T DAY (Saturday June 21st): come to WORM to see & hear LIVE re- and de-constructions of some of our 1980's post-ULTRA things (onder voorbehoud: think 'Signs & Symptoms', think 'Commuters'), AND the premieres of brand-new sudokist pieces for acoustic instruments and electronics / voice. (thank you, Lukas) **@3@ ~ APPLAUS! and RITES** _ For, yes, I am a sudokist... And the list of my sudoku solution (SuSo) based music works keeps on growing. 'Applaus! (voor 4 klappers)' & 'Rites (Sudoku Triangelkwartet)' are rhythm based SuSo pieces that (set up as an installation) will traverse the full set of 362,880 'colorations' of their initiating grid: 'Applaus!' lasts one, and 'Rites' will play for five full years. The soundblog text provides technical & combinatorial details, with some thoughts and reflections on the 'signification' of this 'sudokist serrealism.' [ http://www.harsmedia.com/SoundBlog/Archief/00910.php ] ### DOWNLOAD CODES, redeem at [ https://soundblog.bandcamp.com/yum ]### Here are a few take or give away Bandcamp codes for an earlier sudoku thing, '_to Yoko Miura. Sudoku Solutions for Four Toy Piano's & Electronics' : sxdm-hna7 pcq9-vau5 rsru-gbef xfm7-w58t j5ba-c3b7 97vb-hs4v nlb5-5s58 mpvf-7d22 **@4@** (Especially) for Dutch readers: on Tuesday February 18th I was Nicholas Horber's telephone guest on radio TT-Node, broadcasting live from the KunschTTurm Club in an apartment on the 22nd floor of the Tour de l'Europe in Mulhouse, France. I talked in Dutch for quite a while about my 'Werdegang'. Here is an edited version of an automated transcript of the archived recording of that conversation. With links and playlist :-) ::: [ http://www.harsmedia.com/SoundBlog/Archief/00911.php ] **@xxx@** The soundblog rss-feed is [ http://www.harsmedia.com/feed/harsmedia.xml ] my Mastodon : [ https://me.dm/@soundblog ] thx! -)- HS -(- ___ soundblog.net \ * \ / ______\/_____ /\ / \ / \ / ================================================================================= Feel free to inter-react, comment, by replying to this email. ================================================================================= The newsletters are archived at http://harsmedia.com/news ================================================================================= unsubscribe: reply to this mail with subject 'enugh's enugh::unsubscribe' :-) =================================================================================