1 min read 🤓
≥ august 22, 2021
« È pericoloso sporgersi »
I am currently working on this new piece, composition, say, tentatively named 'Time-', for 12 upright piano's, arranged in a wide circle around the audience, haha, a circle as the one upon which turn the hands of the cheap circular battery powered clocks you buy at the IKEA or the ones that you repeatedly cast your furtive glances at in the streets while rushing to work, to a doctor's appointment, to class, to meet your killer or your lover...
As the picture shows, 'Time-'—just like the non-thing that we have come to use as a measure for our lives—is as much about space as it is about..., well, 'time'.
The audience, you see, is caught within the performance's clock, as we are all caught inside time.
The space in which to set up 'Time-'s space ideally would need to be circular itself. Some sort of a dome, een halve bol, een koepel, a cylinder. Like the Amsterdam Westergasfabriek, like a cathedral's cupola, like... There's industrial spaces that would be a perfect fit abound in the world, I'd say.
The upright piano's may be of any kind. Preferably old, worn, untuned, maybe even no longer 'tune-able'. Objects with their proper—known or unknown—history, each with their very own, their 'personal' path through time. The curator / director / organiser of a (series of) 'Time-' performances will start preparing the event by collecting a set of twelve such piano's; like the one my mother left behind, stored now in a garagebox within a stone's throw of my apartment.
Yes. The notes in 'Time-'s score refer to the piano's keys rather than they do to a precisely determined pitch. A sometime tuned performance of the score, though, is not excluded. It merely is one among a myriad of options.
Previous piece for piano's: Trio for 3 piled baby grand piano's
Next pieces with piano's: my future now, my promised land
tags: piano, time, composition, space
# .512.