february 18, 2005.
[quick link: Etay web site]
In the last half hour of his ITDE show of this saturday morning february 19th, DaveX will work with a collection of recordings of my physical presence in the loft that I sent to him earlier today. He will broadcast these sonic images back to the loft, enabling me to meet up there with a former self ... The sounds were recorded over the past couple of days. Recordings of me walking, breathing, coughing (I caught a bad cold yesterday, and feel pretty feverish at the moment, unfortunately), and much more ... The show and DaveX's 'Etay-work' will be broadcasted live. Between 4h00 and 6h30 Illinois time. That is 'too damn early' ... If you catch this entry in time, though, it's easy to tune in: the broadcast is between 11h00 and 13h30 Paris/Amsterdam time, and is simultaneously streamed on line. (Click on this link to get the .pls file of the stream ... ) The Etay part will start at 7h00 Montréal time... that is: 13h00 European time ...
Here's DaveX about his contribution:
"With the advent of recording, the majority of our encounters with sound have moved from the present to the past. The act of recording is a conflict-- an acknowledgement of the passage of time, as well as an attempt to halt its progress. The act of listening to these recordings is assisted memory with a "catch"-- sometimes we find what we had forgotten, in other instances we mourn for what has been lost. These tapes are pieces of us; the dead given life.
Archiving our lives is not so different from the spiritual struggles many cultures throughout history have faced-- if there is an afterlife, what will the dead require to thrive in that world? A common response by many peoples has been to include artifacts from the deceased's time in this world, with the intention that they somehow be of use in the next.
With this rough idea in mind, I have taken sound recordings from Harold's time at Etay and will be presenting them to a present-day Harold as an opportunity to meet his past self. In addition, improvisational elements I find necessary at the time will help ensure the safe arrival and return of Harold's past self. Enjoy. --DaveX--"
And here's the line-up of tomorrow's first 'loft concert': Aimé Dontigny, David Turgeon, Esther Bourdages, Tomas Phillips, Chantale Laplante, Anna Friz, and Jen Morris. Loft's doors open at 19h00 ...
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[More sounds and pictures from the loft are available at the page dedicated to the project by Med'i.ate Network's Project Soundwave.]
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february 18, 2005.
[quick link: Etay web site]
When you listened to the second Etay podcast, you heard a - slightly cut-up - track by David Turgeon, in his guise as Camp. David's music accompanies a continuous stream of many short audio recordings, as picked up by one of the microphones in the loft during Tomas Phillips' visit, who came in on tuesday after David Turgeon. Recording through that mike is 'threshold' controlled: only when the signal picked up by the microphone is above a certain threshold, sound is recorded onto the hard disk. This shortish file is a chronological 'assemblage' of all 'micro takes' made during our, two hour long conversation ... A very interesting conversation, actually, as were the two others, i8u being the third. (France took me to the Café Santropol, where I had one of the most amazing sandwiches I ever ate: an Île des piments, a Pepper Island...)
Of course it is absolutely impossible on such short notice to do even the slightest of justice to these meetings by writing about them here now. All of this will have to wait. One shouldn't be hasty, hence maybe careless, when dealing with careful work.
On wednesday morning, on Ontaria, not far from the loft, I bought an old cassette in the Salvation Army thrift store. "Annie + Léon started to sing all different songs /71", was written on the cassettes label. Here's how the tape starts:
"I wish to say a few words," a woman's voice says, "about this beautiful casquette [sic] tape recorder that I received a few weeks ago. [...] I was most thrilled when I received this gift, as I love singing very, very much. I can assure you that it will be appreciated, by the songs that I am going to try to sing. Many thanks again. I love you dear. Goodbye ..."
When I first played it, upon arrival back in the loft, it was almost as if the voice was addressing me... :-) ... Annie (for I guess it must be her) then starts singing, a capella, a whole series of songs, starting with the canadian national anthem ... "Oh Canada ..."
As soon as I heard it, I knew this cassette had to be part of my performance this thursday at the Upgrade ...
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