
Exhibit 113 - Found in Leipzig

[ Vincennes (France) - 16 december, 2009. -- play/download 🎶 🎧 ]

Founded Tapapes
This acquisition contains the three bits of tapes when in october 2009 I did three days of foundtaping in the wake of the Leipzig edition of das kleine, and presented / performed the exhibition in the very cosy Leipzig mixtape café Die Kassette. Many thanks to Tobias Luther and Johannes Kiehl (who besides letting me stay in his gal.lery space also lent me his bicycle for the time of my stay :-) ... )


10/21/2009 14h45 Leipzig (Germany) - Kurt-Eisner-Straße spot

On the crossing with the Wundtstraße, pedestrian crossing (see photo). Shazam identified John Rowles singing Hush not a word to Mary.

10/21/2009 14h30 Leipzig (Germany) - Antonienstraße spot

On pavement near pedestrian crossing, corner with Kantatenweg (see photo). Classic/easy listening. Shazam indicated a recording of Smetana's Die Moldau, and the track Hymne from The Galaxy Sound Orchestra's album "Synthesizer Hits".

10/19/2009 10h10 Leipzig (Germany) - Rackwitzerstraße spot

On the corner with the Berlinerstraße, caught in the the shrubbery (see photo). Pop/rock , rap/hip-hop. Shazam identified Hey Baby, by No Doubt, featuring Bounty Killer and the Fugees' version of Killing me softly with his song.

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Found Tapes Exhibition

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Notes related to Exhibit 113

Founded Tapapes
Penelope Audela: das leipziger kleine
A found tapes meta-map


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If you are able to describe fragments more precisely than the way in which it is done in the list, please let me know!
